How productive is ColdFusion 10 with HTML5 support?
With the release of ColdFusion 10, it was found to be integrated with HTML5. Originally the development of ColdFusion was aimed towards changing of business logic by summarizing everything in just some lines of code, thus accelerating the development cycle. This same ability has been heightened with HTML5 support. This has especially proved to be a significant development in mobile applications due to excellent graphics; the support helps on working with XML and JSON data formats. In fact, developers who want to build online applications for game can use this as back-end application. Interactive experience that is high in quality can be provided to users through built-in socket support. The development thus becomes easier. The most important factor in all these is the presence of WebSockets. A detailed illustration about WebSockets and ways in which HTML5 helps is given below.
WebSockets- This protocol was introduced as HTML’s specification’s part and this advanced technology enables full, bi-directional, duplex TCP communication over one socket which communicates messages between server and client continuously. Generally in HTTP, when a website is visited by a web browser a request is sent by the browser to remote servers. This is then acknowledged and a response is returned. The entire process is simplified by the WebSocket. It also makes real-time web application development easier as well as faster. The communication it provides, acts as the perfect condition for every real-time server streaming as well as push services on internet. In case of each response or request, the protocol overhead is reduced to just a few bytes instead of 800 bytes for each transaction. There is no need for reloading of main page every time during server pushing. Network latency as well as traffic is also reduced to almost one-third.
Video player- Apart from providing the most relevant as well as latest information, the developers are often faced with the responsibility of impressing users with web applications by display of information as well as data in a manner which impresses them the most. For creating a great impression in the minds of users, video clips are quite handy, even more so than image or text content since the messages can be send even more effectively. However, this raises the challenges for developers since they often tend to focus on those browsers which do not support this. Now the video player in ColdFusion 10 offers a choice to those developers. The user can get many well-defined APIs that can ensure that end user experience is optimized by the site, whatever the kind of browser is being selected by the user is of no consequence.
Graphics- The building of major modern websites are done with graphics. Using charts has been proved to be quite useful on client end since they make certain websites more attractive, dynamic and interactive. But for that, programmers as well as developers have to conduct a huge amount of coding, making the job very tedious. With ColdFusion 10 being introduced, the job becomes quite easier, especially since implementation of HTML5 graphics can be facilitated without the long-range encoding of client. Client-side charts are totally supported and are based on Canvas, SVG or Flash; this allows incorporation of interactive charts. CFCHART tag can be used for easy creation as well as integration of the charts. Further customization can be done by using JSON objects.
Optimizing existing websites- The advantages of HTML5 can be availed by ColdFusion 10 so that website performance can be optimized. New features can be included, that too without the need for writing extra code; this makes everything easier for both clients as well as developers.
There is no doubt that incorporation of HTML5 in ColdFusion 10 has resulted in a lot of goodness to be added to the platform. It has added to the productivity, speed and efficiency. Now developers can create HTML-based applications and that too without any knowledge of HTML which is surely a boon for many.
You can hire developers from top ColdFusion web application development companies in India who can help you build your website within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide ColdFusion application development services. If you would like to discuss with an expert ColdFusion developers from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Video player- Apart from providing the most relevant as well as latest information, the developers are often faced with the responsibility of impressing users with web applications by display of information as well as data in a manner which impresses them the most. For creating a great impression in the minds of users, video clips are quite handy, even more so than image or text content since the messages can be send even more effectively. However, this raises the challenges for developers since they often tend to focus on those browsers which do not support this. Now the video player in ColdFusion 10 offers a choice to those developers. The user can get many well-defined APIs that can ensure that end user experience is optimized by the site, whatever the kind of browser is being selected by the user is of no consequence.
Graphics- The building of major modern websites are done with graphics. Using charts has been proved to be quite useful on client end since they make certain websites more attractive, dynamic and interactive. But for that, programmers as well as developers have to conduct a huge amount of coding, making the job very tedious. With ColdFusion 10 being introduced, the job becomes quite easier, especially since implementation of HTML5 graphics can be facilitated without the long-range encoding of client. Client-side charts are totally supported and are based on Canvas, SVG or Flash; this allows incorporation of interactive charts. CFCHART tag can be used for easy creation as well as integration of the charts. Further customization can be done by using JSON objects.
Optimizing existing websites- The advantages of HTML5 can be availed by ColdFusion 10 so that website performance can be optimized. New features can be included, that too without the need for writing extra code; this makes everything easier for both clients as well as developers.
There is no doubt that incorporation of HTML5 in ColdFusion 10 has resulted in a lot of goodness to be added to the platform. It has added to the productivity, speed and efficiency. Now developers can create HTML-based applications and that too without any knowledge of HTML which is surely a boon for many.
You can hire developers from top ColdFusion web application development companies in India who can help you build your website within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide ColdFusion application development services. If you would like to discuss with an expert ColdFusion developers from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.