What You Need To Know About CFHTTP, SSL and SNI?

For improving user experience, coldfusion application development teams often design web applications with features to access an external web page, and display the content as part of its own website. The functionality becomes much simpler and easier through the CFHTTP tag provided by ColdFusion. The tag will be used initially to do an HTTP call. Once the connection is established, the content of the external web page will be stored in cfhttp.filecontent which is a string variable. As a string can be manipulated flexibly, the content can be displayed as part of the website without putting any extra effort. The CFHTTP tag is being used by developers to provide updated and relevant information to users related to weather, news and stock prices collected from third-party websites. Along with allowing developers to write less code, the ColdFusion tag further enables them to optimize user experience by providing the latest information collected from reliable sources.
A constant increase is noted in the number of people carrying out online financial transactions. However, each user wants to make payment through a web application only when he is sure that his sensitive financial information will remain secure. As the users have to submit details of their credit card, PayPal account or net banking, it has becomes essential for developers to use advanced encryption and security technologies. ColdFusion is designed with support for Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The standard security technology is used widely by developers to establish an encrypted link between the client and server. The technology can be used to encrypt the connection between a mail server and a mail client, or web server and a web browser. Also, SSL, as a security protocol, describes what algorithm needs to be used to encrypt the links and information during transmission. When a website is designed with SSL, it can convince users that their sensitive financial information will not be used for identity thefts and similar frauds.
While developing a website, no developer can predict how many users will access it at a time. So enterprises look for effective ways to optimize the performance and scalability of their websites. ColdFusion is also designed with Server Name Indication (SNI) protocol support. As an extension to Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, SNI decides the hostname the client is trying to access at the beginning of the communication. The protocol further makes it smoother for the web server to generate and issue multiple certifications on a single IP address and port number. Thus, multiple websites need not use a single certificate while several websites are being served from a single IP address. However, the SNI protocol, at present, is not supported by all web browsers. The users will receive certificate warning if they are using a web browser that does not support the SNI protocol.
Adobe is regularly updating ColdFusion to meet the latest trends in rapid web application development. The support for advanced protocols and technologies makes it easier for developers to optimize the performance, scalability and security of their web applications without putting any extra effort. ColdFusion 10 comes with both caching and language enhancements to enable programmers to build robust websites, web applications and web services at a rapid pace.
We provide coldfusion development services. If you would like to speak to one of our certified coldfusion programmers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.